
sour cherries
sour cherries, 2024. Oil paint, gesso, plywood, 350 x 220 mm

sores slide

Sketches for slide and sores, from a series of screenprints, feed, which recall details of mothering and nursing a baby whilst helping to look after my mother as she died from Parkinson's dementia. A protracted sequence of note-making, deletion, voice-to-tape recording, slow replay, transcription, scanning, and printing, results in each 'drawing', understood as something dragged or pulled across a surface, drawn out.

storage (relief) Tray #2 detail
storage (relief), 2023. Worn blouse plackets, gouache, airbrush ink, plywood, timber, gimp pins. 1237 x 850 x 45mm

poppies gait
self-seed (restless legs), 2024. Oil paint, gesso, plywood. 764 x 552 mm

green blouse
storage (dressing), 2024.
Worn silk blouse, pocket, spray paint, plywood, gimp pins. 850 x 435 x 45mm


piece by piece   Griselda Pollock slide

Instants in Withdrawing, 2023
Research Forum, Drawing Room, London
A series of dragged flatbed scans are proposed as drawings, which companion a fragmented monologue on experiences of looking after my mother, John Berger's essay and TV programme about a coffin-drawing he made of his father, and texts by Claudia Rankine, Griselda Pollock, and Lisa Barraitser.

Rame pages
erratic shoes (to keep), 2023
Ink on paper and card, 205 x 193mm

Rame pages
storage (stripes / holes), 2023
Silk blouse plackets, watercolour, airbrush ink, fabric, paper, plywood, pine, gimp pins. 850 x 435 x 45mm


Text and collage from an ongoing study in degenerating eyesight and grids, mothering, dementia, and dreams.


Shows, projects etc.: